Tote Talk Blog | Metano IBC Rental & Supply

5 Top Benefits of Renting Stainless Steel Tote Tanks

Written by Tom Wilkins | Tue, Dec 29, 2015 @ 15:12 PM

5 Top Benefits of Renting Stainless Steel Tote Tanks

 A stainless steel tote tank rental program provides all of the advantages of utilizing tote tanks without having to make the large payments required to buy the IBC containers. Tote tank rentals provide answers to the following problems:

  • Fluctuation in production
  • Unanticipated orders
  • Limited capital budget available for tote tanks
  • Underutilized totes tanks in inventory

An IBC tote rental program provides all of the benefits of using high quality tote tanks without the up-front capital investment that is necessary when purchasing the IBC containers. And more importantly, renting tote tanks is quick and easy. You can normally expect to begin using the tote tanks in a number of days, not weeks.  The decision to rent, rather than purchase stainless steel tote tanks can provide multiple benefits. The top 5 advantages of metal tote tanks are as follows.


  1. Conserve Capital
    Use stainless steel intermediate bulk containers without the large capital outlay.  With no down payment and low monthly rates, renting allows your company to use its cash resources to finance long-term growth.
  2. Immediate Results
    Stainless steel tote rental programs can be set up in just minutes, which allows you to start using IBC totes today.  There is no need to wait for available capital.
  3. Eliminate Non-working Assets
    When you are renting totes tanks you never have to worry about your stainless steel totes not being utilized.  You simply return the tanks when you are done with them.
  4. No More Obsolete Equipment
    You will never have to deal with your stainless steel intermediate bulk containers becoming obsolete.  Always be assured that renting IBC tote tanks provides the latest equipment and technologies available, as opposed to purchasing them and being saddled with outdated equipment.
  5. Budget Flexibility
    The ease and cost savings of renting high-quality stainless steel tote tanks for both short-term and long-term projects increases your productivity while lowering your overall costs.

To learn more about the benefits of renting stainless steel intermediate bulk containers, simply download our e-guide: Advantages of Renting IBCs. Please contact Metano for more information on renting or using tote tanks at 732-566-9600 or simply email us at