
Tote Talk Blog

Solving the mystery behind the fusible vent in stainless steel IBCs?


Many people ask,” Do I need a fusible vent on my stainless steel tote tank?”  The simple answer is ‘yes’.  Fusible vents are required on all stainless steel intermediate bulk containers as required for UN/DOT compliance. The Department of Transportation regulations state in section DOT CFR 178.705 (2)(i) that:

  "IBCs must be capable of releasing a sufficient amount of vapor in the event of fire engulfment to ensure   that no rupture of the body will occur due to pressure build-up.  This can be achieved by spring-loaded or  non-reclosing pressure relief devices or by other means of construction."

What does a fusible vent do?  The main function of a fusible vent is to alleviaUntitled-1te any pressure build up inside of a stainless steel tote tank when it is exposed to extreme heat.   These ‘vents’ are for emergency management only. They do not release common vapor pressure that occurs due to heat generated by extreme weather conditions.  They are designed to release the pressure in the case of catastrophic events such as a fire. The pressure is allowed to escape thereby reducing the potential risk that the tank can become a deadly missile.

The most common fusible vent has 3” NPT threads which threads onto a 3” nipple in the center of the cover.  Also known as a fusible vent/cap, it can easily be removed to be used as fill port.  The fusible vent/cap will include an inner gasket to provide a secure closure on the 3” nipple. It will also have a lanyard so it can be attached to tank to eliminate losing the vent/cap.

The user must also follow standard guidelines to make sure the fusible vent/cap is installed properly on the stainless steel tote tank.  Click here for more details.

The use of fusible vents on stainless steel intermediate bulk containers are a necessary safety feature required by UN/DOT.  Click here to see more on intermediate bulk container regulations.

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